Sporting de Braga vs Boavista F.C. - a short preview
League position and club ranking in the Sporting de Braga vs Boavista F.C. game isn’t a guarantee for a perfect performance or a guaranteed win, especially in the Primeira Liga | Regular Season. Pressure to perform in the Estádio Municipal de Braga on the is still there even if there's a “predicted” outcome. That said, having a predictable winner isn’t the same as a guaranteed winner. Teams with nothing to lose tend to impress when least expected. Underdogs have a habit of performing in games everyone else has written off. Kick-off is at , so pick your strategies with care, because we are predicting that this fight isn’t over yet.
- 1.8Goals0.8
- 5.7Corners3.5
- 13.7Fouls11.7
- 2.4Offsides2.3
- 2.9Saves3.3
- 13.8Total Shots11.6
Our Predictions on Sporting de Braga vs Boavista F.C.
- over 2.5under 2.555%45%Total Goals Over/Under
- over 3.5under 3.533%67%Total Goals Over/Under
The most popular bets
The winner bet
The goal bet
Get the best odds for Sporting de Braga vs Boavista F.C.
Odds Comparison
- Sporting de BragaDrawBoavista F.C.
- Probability58%22%20%
- 1.285.5010.00Odds last updated:
- Odds last updated:
- 1.216.0012.00Odds last updated:
- 1.206.0011.00Odds last updated:
- Odds last updated:
- Odds last updated:
Total Goals Over/Under
Sporting de Braga and Boavista F.C. in Head 2 Head
Last Meetings
- Boavista F.C. - Sporting de Braga0-1August 18, 2024
- Boavista F.C. - Sporting de Braga0-4February 26, 2024
- Sporting de Braga - Boavista F.C.4-1September 24, 2023
- Boavista F.C. - Sporting de Braga1-1May 20, 2023
4 | Table pos | 18 |
2 wins | Series | 3 lost |
1.8 | Goals | 0.8 |
WIN | Last match | LOSE |
Our favourite bet on Sporting de Braga vs Boavista F.C.
Take a detailed look at the calculated probabilities of the Win/Draw/Win and the Over/Under 2.5 goals bet, and the Over/Under 2.5 Goals bet looks like a better option than the others. The only way to describe this bet is “boring”, so let’s consider the combination of calculated probability and associated ratio for the Boavista F.C. +1.5 goals bet as our favourite. The two values that are relevant here are 66% probability paired with these odds from 2.00.
Our Favourite Bet
Dare to be different with a bet that challenges and excites. There is always a risk factor when betting, so make sure you bet to your ability! Bets are time-sensitive and subject to change.